Entahlah. Demang semakin tidak faham. Kalau begitu Demang perlu menjadi ahli UMNO dan tidak lagi sekadar menyokong UMNO.
Baru seminggu lalu Ketua Pengarah BTN melahirkan rasa syukur melihat DS Najib dan Nik Aziz berbaik-baik. Kusangka panas hingga ke petang rupanya...
Betullah sebagaimana pesan Najib kepada Nik Aziz: "Tuan Guru kalau nak apa-apa, terus beritahu saya. Jangan bercakap dengan orang lain."
Pesanan Najib tersebut memang berasas. Lihatlah, semakin banyak Nik Aziz bercakap, semakin bercelaru dan keliru ummat Islam jadinya.
memang dah nyanyuk atuk ni. setuju. baik dia diam aje
ReplyDeletePolitically motivated or not, Nik Aziz has made statements that are DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE SOLE JURISDICTION OF ALLAH, in his capacity of spiritual leader of an Islamic party, and by doing so mislead his obsessed followers. Isn’t this committing treachery to Islam?
ReplyDeleteEven a schoolboy with basic knowledge of Islam knows that the decision as to who goes to heaven or hell lies SOLELY with ALLAH. Nik Aziz, who is of sound mind and body, is in control of his faculty and is well-schooled in Islam, should know this more than others. He is not mad (otherwise Allah would have forgiven him), so he should know that he is committing blasphemy. If he had lived in the era of our Rasulullah and the 4 Khalifahs after him, he would have been beheaded or faced the death penalty. Of course, many Muslims have contradicted the true Islamic teachings or have committed blasphemy or “syrik”, but they are not the Nik Azizs of the country and they do not mislead people in the way that Nik Aziz does.
Nik Aziz, sudahlah tu, elok hang tutup mulut sblm aku cabai kang....
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