Sambil bersarapan, Demang berbual dengan seorang teman. Nampaknya beliau tidak bersetuju lesen judi bola sepak yang diluluskan kerajaan kepada sebuah syarikat.
Demang mengingatkan beliau bahawa kerajaan bukan hendak memperkenalkan judi baru tetapi membenarkan lesen lama diperbaharui.
Demang tahu bahawa pengeluaran lesen sebelum ini juga dibuat oleh kerajaan BN, namun ia bukan bertujuan menggalakkan perjudian sebaliknya satu usaha mengawal aktiviti judi yang menjadi kebiasaan (budaya) masyarakat cina di Malaysia agar tidak berleluasa.
Selain itu ada beberapa perkara lagi yang beliau tidak berpuas hati. Masing-masing kami mengeluarkan hujah bagi menyokong pendapat dan pandangan.
Tiba-tiba seorang lelaki menyampuk, menyokong teman itu. Rupa-rupanya dia mengikuti perbualan kami. Teman saya menjadi semakin bersemangat dan gembira mendapat penyokong. 2 lawan 1.
Lelaki itu menambah bahawa perlu diberi peluang pada kerajaan alternatif bagi menggantikan kerajaan sedia ada.
Teman saya memandang lelaki itu dengan hairan. Bantahan terhadap beberapa isu, takkanlah sampai nak tukar kerajaan?
Lelaki itu terdiam. Nampaknya dia belajar sesuatu pagi ini. Menyokong kerajaan bukan ertinya perlu bersetuju dalam semua perkara. Membantah pula bukan bererti menolak semuanya.
Majoriti rakyat Malaysia faham tentang itu manakala PAS tidak menyedarinya. Itu sebabnya mereka hairan apabila kalah di Hulu Selangor. Sedangkan BN bersikap rasional dan matang apabila tewas di Sibu.
Itulah jawapan pada soalan kenapa PAS cuma mendapat 23+1 kerusi pada PRU12 sedangkan BN dalam keadaan tidak bermaya tika itu.
Kalau UMNO mantap, PAS cuma dapat 8 kerusi (1995) dan 6 kerusi (2004).
PRU13, PAS mungkin tinggal 4 kerusi. Percayalah.
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sosial dianggap paling baik sebab kos ...
5 years ago
PAS patut tak dapat satu pun kerusi. Dah jadi pak turut DAP, baik bagi semua kerusi pada DAP la.
Tools of the Illuminati in Malaysia.
Morons like Perkasa talk about sacrificing. We have as yet to hear what sacrifices they are speaking about. Today, Malaysia is ruled by a single regime not so different from Burma. They call themselves UMNO. In fact, Malaysia has been under Emergency Rule for the past 40 years. Still in a state of Emergency Rule.
Malays have done wonders in terms of denying truth, while doing so, through policies of government raked in ill wealth for years. Malays are rich, I mean really rich.
Malays had certain qualities that other races in this country do not, but I must emphasise “had”. Qualities such as “speaking less”, contended, know how to read and understand the holy Quran (I know that nowadays Muslim kids spent 10 years of religious classes in school and end up not knowing).
But all done and said, the day malays deny their past, is the beginning of their end. Malays were Hindus once, as was the whole South East Asia, later some South East Asia went for Buddhism while the others went for Islam.
Who taught South East Asia races to plant paddy in a systematic manner? Who taught South East Asia races language skills, reading and writing?
The very essence of everything that South East Asia races are based on till today was taught by Tamils. Don’t you guys notice that South East Asia races have similar writing codes, that are because it is based on Tamil. It even sounds like Tamil.
For peninsula: Tamils called the local inhabitants as “malai allu”, basically means “people who dwell in the hills”, this would mean Orang Asli, for they dwell in the hills, what is known as malays today was non-existent.
As malays are well known to do, they incorporated this term “malai” whence they started to land in the peninsula from Nusantara, and claimed the term “malai” as their own. This race has this peculiar trait of claiming that which is not theirs.
Deny this, and you deny your past, anyone who denies his past, denies his future. Malays……….be my guest.
Guess who is the master race? The master race doesn’t doing some weird policy (NEP), or go around brandishing some knife, which if you really put some thinking into it, put the race on a sure path to beggary.
The reason why I commented as above is because I want malays to know that they are not tuan punya tanah.
For myself, as a Tamil, I will state what my forbearers have done centuries before, the truth is, no one owns this land, this land is owned only by – the one and only one – God.
This soil needs administration, not ownership. Accept that.
The founders of kingdoms and sultanates were nothing but a bunch of pirates, robbers and thieves, so what is so "great" about being of royal blood?
The malays do not exist as a unique tribe but are the result of centuries of mix amongst various ethnic groups - migrants from Yunnan, Polynesia, Java, Sumatra, Turkey, Arabia, India, Siam, Cambodia, Laos.
Once they began to populate the Malayan Peninsula - (which wasn't named for the malay race but derives from the Tamil word for "mountain" - malai) they figured it would be advantageous to claim ownership of the land by dubbing it Tanah Melayu.
It was mostly a political part of various pirate bloodlines to create their own Promised Land.
So what about UK lands in the Peninsula? What was that called Tanah UK?
And what about the 4 northern states that belonged to Thailand, that the Sultan groveled to the UK to take back? Tanah Thai?
And previous to that all the lands owned by Portugal and Holland? Tanah Portugal and Holland?
And how about the fiefdom of Raja Brooke in Borneo? Tanah Brooke?
Each state may have had its own Sultan and government but that does not = Malaysia!
If Malaysia was your own land to control then how come we had to have independence? I suppose Umno teach you that you have to declare independence from yourself?
Stupidest thing I ever heard!
You should go study Malaysia history, real Malaysia history not that doctored Umno garbage!
The real extremists and terrorists in multiracial Malaysia are born, bred and indoctrinated by none other than Umno, especially under the reign of Mahathir.
Aduhai cheguman...
Kalau anda beriman pada tilikan anda itu..katakanlah..PAs berjaya dapat lebih daripada tilikan anda..macamamana??
Semua ini berlaku kerana British.Merekalah yang membawa masuk pendatang dari India dan China dan baka baka mereka ini yang menafikan kewujudan masyarakat Melayu di sini. Malaysia sepatutnya tidak mendapat Merdeka secara percuma sepatutnya kita berjuang saperti Indonesia dan barulah ada identiti bangsa Malaysia yang tidak boleh dipertikaikan waima tidak akan terdapat sekolah sekolah aliran Cina dan Tamil yang mana inilah yang menyebabkan pecah belah terjadi. Selagi ada nama Ali, Ah Chong dan Munusamy selagi itulah perpecahan akan berlaku. Saya tidak yakin generasi baru Malaysia sekarang boleh bertolenrasi mengenai sejarah nagara ini.
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