Harakah hari ini menyiarkan cadangan untuk melantik ahli bukan Islam dalam DUN di negeri-negeri yang dikuasainya.
Tahniah PAS. Akhirnya PAS sedar tentang realiti negara ini yang berbilang kaum, bangsa, dan agama. Eloklah PAS memohon maaf kepada orang bukan Islam kerana pernah mengharamkan (kalupun bukan mengkafirkan) UMNO yang telah melakukan pendekatan tersebut sejak sejak pilihanraya pertama 1952.
Perlu diingat, walaupun di awal kemerdekaan, walaupun tiada satupun kawasan majoriti pengundi Cina atau India, namun wakil kedua-dua kaum tersebut tetap diberi tempat.
Malah, calon pilihanraya daripada bukan Melayu diletakkan di kawasan 'kuat UMNO' bagi memastikan kaum Cina dan India mempunyai wakil rakyatdalam kerajaan BN yang diterajui UMNO.
Sampai hari ini tradisi tersebut dipatuhi. Lihat sahaja di Hulu Selangor baru-baru ini.
PAS juga wajib mohon maaf kepada orang Melayu kerana pernah mengugut mereka agar tidak menyokong UMNO kerana bergabung dengan MCA dan MIC.
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sosial dianggap paling baik sebab kos ...
5 years ago
Pertama, TG Nik Aziz sendiri juga pernah berada dalaam Perikatan, jadi macamana pulak dia nak mengaku jadi kafir.
Kedua,kini jelas Pas bukannya parti Islam. Ia cuma sebuat parti yang menggunakan agama!!! Bak kata TG Nik Aziz, politik itu adalah tipu muslihat...
Parti Pas...politik suku,kafir suku.
Pas terus sesat dan menyesatkan. Semua ini atas arahan tuan DAP.
betul Isac. PAS cuma sebuah parti politik.
Setuju dgn Tamingsari. DAP adalah ketua pembangkang sekarang berdasarkan kuasa demokrasi. PAS cuma ada 23 kerusi.
... Diulangi... 23 kerusi SAHAJA.
PAS semakin liberal selepas bersahabat dengan syaitan. Dulu mengkafirkan UMNO sebab ada parti komponen bukan Islam.
Sekarang PAS menjilat balik ludah mereka.
23 kerusi SEPATUTNYA boleh di tambah..mana silapnya???
Anda memarahi pas dan tak mahu menyokongnya sebagai kuasa majoriti..dan sekarang mahu memarahi pas pula??
Lawak la demang..
Kalau betul sayang islam..pastikan PAS majoriti dalam pilihanraya akan datang..jangan setakat komplen..bila dah ada majoriti..insya Allah..baru ada suara.
Faham kan?
komen saya ni beradab..jadi tak perlu saya rayu untuk di keluarkan dalam ni.
Kenyataan anda tentang ruang komen Waadat boleh menimbulkan fitnah. Prasangka anda amat tinggi. Waadat tidak pernah menyekat sesiapa pun memberi komen. Tiada sebarang tapisan. Waadat bukan seperti kebanyakan blog pembangkang yang tidak pernah menyiarkan komen saya.
Mengenai ajakan anda menyokong PAS, saya pernah menyertai PAS (malah belum pun keluar dari PAS hingga kini - cuma tak lagi membayar yuran tahunan), namun saya dapati PAS sama sahaja seperti parti politik lain.
Justeru, lebih baik membantu UMNO yang telah terbukti semakin banyak melaksanakan suruhan Islam.
(Jangan ungkit kes-kes yg masih diperdebat seperti menyambung lesen judi bolasepak sebab Kelantan sendiri masih mengaut untung dari lesen arak).
Boleh saudara jawab isu mengkafirkan orang UMNO oleh pemimpin PAS?
memang ketara sekarang arah perjuangan PAS yg tiada hala tuju,tumpuan hanya sekadar ingin memilik kuasa yg pd hakikatnya mustahil utk dicapai selagi berada dlm PR.Ini bukanlah andaian tetapi kebenaran yg pasti.Perhatikan dimana suara PAS didalam PR.Harapkan Nik Aziz lagi huru-harala jawabnya.
-nik aziz ni bila nak pencen,dulu kata dr.M nak tongkat langit ,sekarang camane?tak puas2 lagike ngan kuasa tak seberapa?
The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.
You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.
This scenario would stay.
They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays begging all the time.
Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.
All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.
Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.
You stinking malay pig, please get the f*** back to your own land in Aceh or Jawa, whatever. Because this is Tanah Orang Asli and malay pig like you are pendatang!
To non-malays……….time and time again we have said that the malays are from Jawa. I always say that they are from Aceh, Sumatra, etc - do you see anyone of these racists (obviously malays) objecting to that fact?
This is the truth and they cannot handle this. They don't dare say that because it is so true! Even Mahathir admitted recently - the origins of the malays are not Malaysia but Indonesia - Sumatra and island etc.
The real bumis are the natives of Borneo and the Orang Asli. Not these malay free loaders and wasted sperms.
"Son of the soil" incorrect! More appropriate term would be "Rapist of the soil"! Malays are pendatang, they called Chinese and Indians pendatang! Tak malu!
To malays pendatang from Indonesia, you are also enemy to Indonesia, stupid! Apa? Tak faham English? Makan tahi dan berambus balik ke Jawa! Setia kepada negara Indonesia! So are you, malay pig!
Aren't you a bloody hypocrite? You are not the Orang Asli of this country - you are an immigrant from Jawa, Sulawesi, all elsewhere - why did you come here to this country then?
Why not help your own country (or should I say your dilapidated kampung in Jawa) and improve the situation then? What……….what did you say? Oh you want a better life is it? I see - so what does that make you? A patriotic fake? Or a hypocrite with no substance?
Compare China and Indonesia - then tell me who is faring better in the international stage! You useless malay pig. At the end of the day - you work for me.
Obviously, you are worse than shit. Not pigs, for pigs are really smart animals. Tanah Melayu my ass! Orang Asli were here before your ancestors crept onto this land. Learn some history, ok? Of course, you can always change history! Tak malu kah!
You are sick in the brain, thanks to Mahathir!
Chinese got pissed off as not all Chinese are rich, but all work their asses off to make an honest living, while idiots like you think that you are entitled to riches without sweating. What discontent? After all the handouts all these years, you still couldn't get your acts together, and you want to blame others, the Chinese, the Indians? Where is your dignity?
What anger? You get angry at the Olympics because malays can't run faster than the Americans? The Aussies? The Chinese? (Just imagine some of you jokers made it to the Olympics, although none did!)
If you want to run amok, go ahead, join the apes and chimpanzees, your kind have been doing that at Perak, brainless monkeys they are, and so are you, go flock together.
The reason why malays tend to run "amok" is because of close relative breeding. Just like non-high breed dogs - brother have sex with the mother, and father marry their own sister, and the confusion goes on.
The end result is non-high breed dogs - that are difficult to train and tend to even bite their own master. Unlike the Chinese, they are very careful not to have too close relative marrying one another.
That is why you can see how Chinese excel in different part of the world. The Chinese are indeed a world race now, as China progress with such speed which is unknown off in any other race in the world!
Singapore is a fine example of Chinese superiority! Sad news for the malay race but then again it is the truth!
I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.
Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.
What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!
3 penulis komen yg terakhir itu adalah syaitan. Tugasnya melaga-lagakan manusia supaya lekas hancur. Berhati-hatilah, syaitan boleh menyamar macam2 termasuk menjadi blogger.
Bolehkah minta bantuan syaitan?
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